Facilities and Amenities


Facilities and amenities in Curlwaa

When staying at Curlwaa Caravan Park, you’ll have access to convenient and necessary facilities and amenities to keep you well fed and well kept.

General store

Our general store has everything you need to keep you satisfied during you stay. We have groceries, ice, soft drinks, ice creams, hardware goods and are stockists of Thetford caravan chemicals. We also stock a range of necessary caravan spare parts including HWS anodes, heater glow plugs, de-flapper kits and more. We also refill gas bottles and have an inhouse bottle shop stocking a large range of beers, wines and spirits at very competitive prices. We stock enough for you to set-up, sit back and relax with a coldy instead of trudging into town if you forgot something

Laundry facilities

When you camp, you don’t bring your whole wardrobe. We offer laundry services to help you keep the clothes you do have clean and ready to be worn again.

Shower and bathroom facilities

Even more important than keeping your clothes clean is keeping yourself clean. We have a number of showers for you and your guests and number of bathrooms as well. All of our facilities are kept to a high level of cleanliness, providing you with confidence and peace of mind when using them. 

We’ve got clean water for drinking, laundry, showers and bathrooms

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